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Strawberry Picker


Job Type


About the Role

Work directly through the farm.Requires at least 1.5 months of working time.Picking strawberries in tunnels and fields.Work 12 hours a day, possibly seven days a week. Minimum collection volume - 130 kg, average volume - 300 kg per day.Seasonal work until the end of September, maximum OctoberTunnel strawberry picker required.
Work hostel accommodation provided.The cost of housing - free of charge.


  • Age requirements: 50-55 years old

  • Motivation and endurance.


The initial payment is PLN 16 per hour for the first three days, then work on a chord - PLN 3.40 for each strawberry lubyanka (approximately 2 kg).
Rate per hour - 16 pln
Projected salary = PLN 4,320

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